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~Radio Network

is a radio access network to the Internet or telecommunications infrastructure based on wireless connection.


system devices used to transmit and receive analog or digital radio transmissions. It works in the microwave band, with strong horizontal directional aerial radiation pattern (and hence high gain energy). Provides a bandwidth from Mb /s to Gb/s


The basic measuring instruments used during both construction works and maintenance are Reflectometers - OTDR (Optical Time Domain Reflectometer). In addition to the convenience and transparency of the results provided they offer they ensure precise characterization of the optical paths. With them we can identify and verify: attenuation of each fiber unit [in dB / km], optical attenuation of mechanical joints and connections [in dB] attenuation or reflection mirror of plugs so reflectance  [in dB];  a graphical representation of the optical power level as a function of distance allows heterogeneity occurring on measurement trace, deformation caused by crashes, cracks, and especially installation errors such as too small radius of the fibers in the cassettes and  mechanical damage due to rough handling of the cable. Modern Optical Reflectometers can be divided into three categories: full-time - mainly used in laboratory workshops; assembly, called. mini-reflektometers, the most common, that are used in the construction and maintenance of the network specialized equipment, which OTDR is only one option, and cooperates for example with  measurement of stress analyzer.

~Remote hands

service "remote hands" is used and operated in a situation where we can not be physically present at s place resulting for example in failure or malfunction. Then, using specialized hardware and software we can make 'online' connection to the client and perform the necessary diagnostics and, if possible - repair.

fibre network build, server rooms, telecommunication devices