Wrote about Us

EmiTel continues to work with Energo-TEL SA in the scope of maintenance of fiber optic networks.

Energo-TEL SA, a company specializing in the maintenance and service network and telecommunications nodes, once again confirmed its credibility and integrity, becoming a regular partner in the business of the Company EmiTel.

More information on: http://www.telix.pl/artykul/emitel-kontynuuje-wspolprace-z-energo-tel-w-zakresie-utrzymania-sieci-swiatlowodowej-3,59043.html


President of ENERGO-TEL: Year 2013 will witness the continuation of current trends

- Last year was for the entire telecom industry is rich in essential for any changes. Undoubtedly one of the key developments was the establishment of Magdalena Gaj as President of the Office of Electronic Communications - says Stanislaw Szuder, president of ENERGO-TEL SA. The expert believes that 2013 will be passed under the sign of the continuation of started, but the process been finalized.

source: http://www.rynekinfrastruktury.pl/artykul/88/1/prezes-energo-tel-rok-2013-bedzie-okresem-kontynuacji-obecnych-tendencji.html



ENERGO-TEL began working with EmiTel

Source: http://www.szerokopasmowi.pl/aktualnosci/energo-tel-rozpoczal-wspolprace-z-emitel/



ENERGO-TEL will take care of EmiTel network

In early January, the company Energo-Tel signed a cooperation agreement with EmiTel to maintain infrastructure.

Source: http://www.rynekinfrastruktury.pl/artykul/90/1/energo-tel-zadba-o-sieci-emitelu.html



ENERGO-TEL points to the link of the telecommunications industry and energy

In recent months, the company conducts extensive image campaign and presents a new slogan - "Connecting with energy." It stressed the link of the telecommunications industry and energy.

Source: Computerworld 03-01-2013

More on: http://www.computerworld.pl/news/387619/ENERGOTEL.podkresla.powiazanie.firmy.z.branza.telekomunikacyjna.



Following the run in the last months of intensive work on the presentation of ENERGO-TEL SA in the telecommunications market, the company created its new image, which ore than ever distinguished its specialization and the nature of business.

Source: www.operatorzy.pl 21-12-2012

more at: http://www.operatorzy.pl/news?more=1079473167


Stanislaw Szuder  took place of ENERGO-TEL SA  President  after Mrs Edyta Glinka.

Till the end of May Mr Szuder was vice president of the company.

Mr Szuder in 1990-93 was deputy minister of communication and co-author of telecommunications law. In 1993, he became president of Lucent Technologies Poland, and since 2001 as vice president of EMEA he was also responsible for the markets of Russia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Slovenia and Romania. After the departure of Lucent Technologies in 2007, became involved with the telecommunications operator Exatel SA, where he was director of strategy and regulatory office.
ENERGO-TEL  is engaged in servicing the second largest nationwide fiber optic backbone network with a length of 20 thousand km. The company provides services in the field of construction, modernization, operation and ongoing maintenance, including emergency service of telecommunication infrastructure. Performs telecommunication measurements and maintenance of switching systems and networks. It also works in the areas of integration and maintenance services of IT systems and implementation of the system in intelligent buildings.

Source: Computerworld 15/06/12



fibre network build, server rooms, telecommunication devices