Our projects 2011
Below we present the list of selected, implemented by our company in 2011 works.
Construction of sewer cable and fiber optic cable in relation RPZ Vogla - Cypryjska 72 street at the request of EXATEL SA - June 2011
The scope of work included:
-performance of building and construction design of sewers and fiber optic cable
-construction of cable sewers 4xRHDPE 40/3,7 mm
-construction of a cable well SKR-1
-construction of fiber-optic cable Z-XOTKtsdD 60J in sewer of TP SA and EXATEL SA
Construction of fiber optic line in TP SA cable sewer between the buildings of the Medical University of Warsaw Oczki Street at the request of Medical University of Warsaw -February 2011
The scope of work included:
-supply and the assumption of fiber optic cables in cable sewer
-supply cables to the server rooms in different buildings
-end of the fiber optic cables on the splices as required by Client and making the measurements